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double-curvature arched dam中文是什么意思

用"double-curvature arched dam"造句"double-curvature arched dam"怎么读"double-curvature arched dam" in a sentence


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  • Experimental research on crest spillway flood energy dissipation for the double - curvature arch dam
  • The economical optimization and safety optimization for baihetan double - curvature arch dam are carried out , and the results show the optimization effect is notable
  • Finally , some significance conclusions are drawn through the gravity abutment of a double - curvature arch dam analyzed and calculated . the results can be referred to actual engineering
  • Finally , niutoushan double - curvature arch dam was modeled and 3 - d fem simulation analysis was performed , so as to find out the integral safety factor and the stress and displacement patterns of dam and its foundation under different load combination
用"double-curvature arched dam"造句  
double-curvature arched dam的中文翻译,double-curvature arched dam是什么意思,怎么用汉语翻译double-curvature arched dam,double-curvature arched dam的中文意思,double-curvature arched dam的中文double-curvature arched dam in Chinesedouble-curvature arched dam的中文double-curvature arched dam怎么读,发音,例句,用法和解释由查查在线词典提供,版权所有违者必究。